Have you ever noticed how scary it is to be chased by a 4 year old? It’s scarier than you think. I remember that horrid day. How Will and I ran as fast we could, how I hit a 1 year old Cameron accidentally that sent both of us flying, and how it was the scariest experience of my life. You want to listen to the story, you’ll be traumatized forever. Read on and there’s no turning back. Fine, read. But I warned you.
It all started about a year ago. My cousins (Timo, Cameron, Will, and Ryder) were all at Will’s house. Timo was playing cars, while Cameron was behind him on a black couch-like stool. Cameron had a metal car in his hand and decided to ambush Timo. He threw the car at Timo’s head, giving him a big bruise on the back of his head. Now, I was behind Timo at the time, so Timo thought it was me who threw the car. This lead to worse things.
Timo already decided he wanted to chase me, but to make things worse, Will just couldn’t resist to taunt Timo to get in the “game”. So there we were, 1 on 2. Since he was 3, we couldn’t fight back. All we could do was to run. Fast. Timo’s almost as fast as we are, so we hopefully could hide. We ran to Will’s bedroom and we tried to make up a plan of where to run and where to hide. Just as we finished the plan, Timo came running at us at about 10 miles per hour.
“Go go GO GO WILL GO!” I yelled at, well, you know who I yelled at. We both ran as fast as we could. We ran to the top of Will’s bunk bed. Timo was trying to get us when I said, “Only 2 people allowed on the bunk bed, Timo!” Timo didn’t listen and started to climb up. Our plan didn’t work whatsoever. We needed to jump. Quickly.
“AAAA Oof!” We exclaimed as we jumped off and hit the ground. I ran as fast as I could, Will a few feet behind. We ran outside right before we realized we were cornered. I started to run. So did Will. Will unfortunately tripped, hurting his arm. Timo said, “UUUUUUUUUUUU! GOT YA!” Will said, “Nope!” and ran away.
I started to run back into the house. I hid in Will’s parent’s bedroom. Where? A basket. I closed the lid and watch through a small hole. I could see Will screaming my name and Timo right behind him. I heard bunk bed noises, slaps, and then a piercing scream. “Will?” No answer. “Will?” Still no answer. “Shoot.” We were playing a game where if Timo got you, you had to act dead. “Where’s Ty?”
Ryder also wanted to play the game, so he also taunted Timo, causing Timo to run after him. Yes!, I thought. I climbed out of the basket and ran into the bunk bed. “Will?” He was lying on the top of the bed, sprawled out. He started to smirk. He always smirks, so I knew he was alive. I climbed back down, only to see Ryder also on the ground.
“Ryder?” He also was sprawled out, but I could totally tell he was alive by his stomach. “Oh, hi Ty!” I turned around to see Timo. “I got ya.” “Not yet!” I said and ran. I ran around the house twice and then go outside. I hid in the pickup truck right before Timo came out. “Ty? Ty?” I heard Timo say. I waited a minute, and then took a rest.
I wake up and it's 30 minutes later. Uh-oh, I thought.I turn around to find Timo playing with a ball. “Timo!” Timo looks up and sees me. “Found ya!” He says. I run to the kitchen when I accidentally hit Cameron, sending us both flying. Cameron starts to laugh, thank god. Timo walks slowly. I crawl faster. I try to stand up, but I hit a car, tripping me back down. “Got ya!” It was over. Timo got me.
After that we got ice cream. Yay.
The End?