Thursday, December 24, 2015

Then vs. Now

Over 5600 years ago, the Cucuteni-Trypillian civilization made beautiful bulls with wheels carved from wood and stone. But then, today, Playskool made a cow with wheels made from plastic. One lived on to be an antique, while the other one lived to go on into babies mouths. I'm Ty (I now give you my real name), and these are the top 3 Then vs. Now pictures-ever.

Okay, I'm done talking about how history became a complete failure. Let's go on a learning adventure to The Learning Channel! Remember the PaleoWorld series? Me neither, I wasn't born in 1994. It was a big series about dinosaurs and whatnot, and was actually educational. I'm sorry, but the TLC today should be called TMI. Maybe because they show Toddlers and Tiaras, maybe because Honey Boo-Boo has her special juice to help her win, I just think the only thing we're learning is how to become a very weird person (or maybe a beach ball). 

Okay, um, one last thing. North Korea need to change. Seriously, no one wants a whole entire country set in 1953.

That's it, I hope you enjoyed it....nah, I didn't.

The End...

Images from

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